Showing posts with label Vancouver (Wash.). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vancouver (Wash.). Show all posts

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Grover Reed Percival 1860-1920

Apr. 29, 2013. Percival, the Mayor of Vancouver who went missing for a spell and died a mysterious death, is said in local folklore to be the ghost frequently seen on the I-5 bridge.

Park Hill Cemetery, Vancouver

Entering Washington

Apr. 29, 2013. I-5 bridge over the Columbia

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Jan. 26, 2012, Vancouver.

The original Burgerville in Vancouver as I recall was called "Burgerville USA," which was always fun to say out loud. Today Burgerville is a major Washington-Oregon restaurant chain extending from Centralia to Corvallis to The Dalles.

Monument to the Three Kichis

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver. Three Japanese sailors drifted into the Olympia Peninsula coast in 1834. Their story is worth reading at HistoryLink:

Palisades and tower, Fort Vancouver

Jan. 26, 2012.

View from the northwest tower, Fort Vancouver

Jan. 26, 2012.

Bell tower

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver

Winter sun

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver

Uncovering old foundations

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver

Cannon in the field

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver

Red doors

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver

Weathered slats

Jan. 26, 2012. Fort Vancouver

Fort Vancouver palisades

Jan. 26, 2012.

Monday, September 5, 2016