Monday, October 10, 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Cemetery sentinel

Apr. 8, 2012. Elma IOOF Cemetery

Chef Pizza Monster

Apr. 8, 2012. Elma, Everybodys

Home of Twin Peaks Cherry Pie

Apr. 8, 2011. North Bend, Washington. Twede's Cafe.

Blue stools

Apr. 8, 2011. North Bend, Washington. Twede's Cafe

Neon ceiling

Apr. 8, 2011. North Bend, Washington. Twede's Cafe

Friday, October 7, 2016

Railroad yard ruin

Apr. 8, 2011. South Cle Elum

The Telephone Museum

Apr. 8, 2011. Cle Elum

Former Liberty Theater now the Calvary Baptist Church

Apr. 8, 2011. Ellensburg

White Buffalo Saloon

Apr. 7, 2016. Everett.

Effie Katie Lindsey, died Jan. 2, 1907, age 44 years

Apr. 7, 2013. Elma IOOF Cemetery.

Mary Eldorado Lennon, 1899-1906

Apr. 7, 2013. Elma IOOF Cemetery. Mary Eldorado, beloved daughter of John and Georgie Lennon, first born at Eldorado, Y.T. Feb. 2, 1899, died at Dawson, Y.T., Oct. 9, 1906.


Apr. 7, 2016. The only Wienerschnitzel outlet in Washington State is in Everett.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

What about the boy sardines?

Apr. 7, 2013. Top Food in Aberdeen (now defunct)

In tomato sauce?

Textured shadow

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Post and shadow

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Power to the peep hole

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Not an accident

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Between the frames

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Light pair

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Bathroom symmetry

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Shining Armor Syndrome

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Lawn ring

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima

Giant fork and spoon

Apr. 7, 2011. Yakima