Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tumwater icon tree

Apr. 16, 2012. On the old road, next to Olympia Airport.

George Washington Bush kiosk

Apr. 16, 2012. Tumwater.

Located not far from the original Bush farmhouse. Here's an article from HistoryLink

Rust streak tank

Apr. 16, 2012. South Union, Washington.

South Union Grocery Deli & Espresso

Apr. 16, 2012.  South Union, Washington.

A very obscene Buzz Lightyear

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia, Target

Spongebob jamboree

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia, Target

Two corners

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia

Cute stuffed animals captured and entrapped

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia

No clue except I am pretty sure this is in Olympia

Apr. 16, 2011. But I like it.

Between the sea and the sky

Apr. 16, 2011. Fiddlehead Marina, Olympia.

Fiddlehead Marina

Apr. 16, 2011. Budd Inlet, Olympia

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Stopped in mid-construction

Apr. 12, 2013. Tumwater, a victim of the 2008 economic downturn

That sign probably used to say "Keep Out!"

Apr. 12, 2013. Tumwater.

Unmanaged wooded path in an urban world

Apr. 12, 2013. Tumwater.

The back end

Apr. 12, 2012. Elma

A storm is coming from the Coast

Apr. 12, 2012. Elma

Nails, Walk ins ok

Apr. 12, 2012. Elma

Big Bird without the showbiz makeup

Apr. 12, 2012. Olympia Farmers Market

Washington's jaw

Apr. 11, 2011. Tumwater

Asphalt wave on the concrete shore

Apr. 11, 2011. Tumwater.

Sending or receiving?

Apr. 11, 2011. Tumwater

Monday, October 10, 2016