Monday, October 17, 2016


Apr. 18, 2012. Olympia


Apr. 18, 2011. Olympia

Parking lot sculpture

Apr. 18, 2011. Olympia, Target

Loopy hose

Apr. 18, 2011. Tumwater

Tumwater white triangle

Apr. 18, 2011.

Rail and stairs

Apr. 18, 2011. Tumwater, Washington State Library

Call Kate

Apr. 18, 2011. Tumwater, Washington State Library

Cartoon character silhouette

Apt. 17, 2013. Tumwater

Evergreen clocktower

Apr. 17, 2012. The Evergreen State College.

This phone is tapped

Apr. 17, 2012. The Evergreen State College.

Tha Witches Are Coming

Apr. 17, 2012. The Evergreen State College.

the WITCHES are coming ... 4/30/12 PERCIVAL LANDING (DOWNTOWN) 7 PM dance kill fuck fly in anticipation of the MAY 1st GENERAL STRIKE no work no school strike occupy takeover

Alternative brutalism

Apr. 17, 2012. The Evergreen State College.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Have Fun

Apr. 17, 2012. The Evergreen State College

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Tumwater icon tree

Apr. 16, 2012. On the old road, next to Olympia Airport.

George Washington Bush kiosk

Apr. 16, 2012. Tumwater.

Located not far from the original Bush farmhouse. Here's an article from HistoryLink

Rust streak tank

Apr. 16, 2012. South Union, Washington.

South Union Grocery Deli & Espresso

Apr. 16, 2012.  South Union, Washington.

A very obscene Buzz Lightyear

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia, Target

Spongebob jamboree

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia, Target

Two corners

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia

Cute stuffed animals captured and entrapped

Apr. 16, 2011. Olympia

No clue except I am pretty sure this is in Olympia

Apr. 16, 2011. But I like it.

Between the sea and the sky

Apr. 16, 2011. Fiddlehead Marina, Olympia.