Monday, November 7, 2016


May 9, 2012. Tumwater

Earthquake brace

May 9, 2012. Tumwater

Bus stop under giant power line tower

May 8, 2013. Tumwater. Probably not a good place to be when the Cascadia Subduction Zone unzips

Need assistance, ring bell

May 8, 2013. Tumwater. The abandoned Wonder Bread and Hostess Outlet in the early stages of decay

Bus stop corner

May 8, 2013. Tumwater

Waiting to place my order

May 8, 2013. Tumwater, Inferno's

Quality fuels

May 8, 2012. Olympia

The little brick house for smokers

May 8, 2012. Tumwater, Point Plaza West

Perhaps it might be time to replace some support posts, you think?

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina, Olympia.

Kandy Korn Kayaks

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina, Olympia.

Low tide

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina, Olympia

Crunchy pillar

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina, Olympia

A denizen of Olympia's celebrated low rent marina district

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina

Sometimes Nature can reclaim

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina, Olympia

A post picturing a post

May 8, 2011. West Bay Marina, Olympia.

Power Team

May 7, 2013. Tumwater. I kept looking around for people flying around in superhero costumes, perhaps the Justice League of Tumwater.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

A tale of two roads

May 7, 2013. Tumwater. "Oregon Trail, 1844. Marked by the Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution in the State of Washington, 1916."

Interstate 5, which wiped out most of old downtown Tumwater when it was constructed, is behind the concrete wall.

Blue Ford truck

May 7, 2012. Tumwater, Point Plaza East

No flags today

May 7, 2012. Tumwater

The edge of town

May 7, 2012. Tumwater. Olympia Airport approachway

72nd Ave. SE, the street where no one resides

May 7, 2012. Tumwater

Rock fountain

May 7, 2012. Tumwater

Bus Stop in reverse is Pots Sub

May 6, 2012. Olympia, in front of Bayview

Brewed from an artesian well

May 6, 2012. Olympia. McMenamins Spar. Olympia Beer (RIP) also used artesian wells, hence their motto "It's the Water"


May 6, 2012. Olympia

Icons of the Spar

May 6, 2012. Olympia. McMenamins honors past employees of the Spar in this mural

Suspicious cases

May 4, 2012. Tumwater.

Squiggly bike thing

May 4, 2012. Tumwater

Carpet shadows

May 4, 2011. Tumwater

Ghost aisle

May 3, 2013. Periodical section of The Evergreen State College Library. The ghost of a young man has been said to haunt the area even before the College was constructed, and was reported seen in great detail in this very spot in the 1980s